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Registration, personal identity code and municipality of residence

At International House Helsinki (IHH), the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) issues personal identity codes and registers personal data into the Finnish Population Information System.

At the DVV’s service desk at IHH you can apply for a Finnish personal identity code (sometimes also called as identity number, ID number or social security number). You need a personal identity code to take care of many things related to everyday life, such as to open a bank account or to obtain a telephone subscription. Your employer also needs it to fulfill their responsibilities as an employer.

DVV also decides whether a Finnish municipality of residence (kotikunta) can be entered for you. If you have a municipality of residence in Finland, in most cases you are entitled to use the services provided by the municipality, such as public health care and daycare. A municipality of residence is also needed for obtaining a Finnish identity card and a driving license.

Do I need to visit the DVV’s service desk at International House Helsinki?

A personal visit is needed when:

  • You do not have a Finnish personal identity code and you need one. Read more
  • You are moving permanently to Finland from another Nordic Country. Read more
  • You want to register a municipality of residence. Please note that if you already have a Finnish personal identity code and have received a decision on Finnish Immigration Service’s (Migri) EU registration less than 12 months ago, you do not need to visit DVV. Read more

How do I book an appointment and what do I need to bring with me?

DVV serves customers at International House Helsinki mainly by appointment. You can book the appointment and see the full list of what you need to bring with you to the appointment on DVV’s website.

International students

Before scheduling a personal appointment for DVV, please confirm with your educational institution or tutor if they have arranged for registration to be completed together with other students.

See DVV website for detailed instructions on registration of international students

Fast track service for specialists and growth entrepreneurs

If you or your family member have been granted a residence permit through the Finnish Immigration Service’s (Migri) fast track service, you can also register your personal data with the DVV’s fast track service for specialists and growth entrepreneurs.
You can book an appointment to DVV’s fast track if you or a family member have been granted a fast track residence permit from Migri as a specialist, growth entrepreneur, EU Blue Card senior specialist, specialist based on internal company transfer, top- or middle-level manager, or as a family member of any of the above.

Read more on the following pages:

DVV’s fast track service (for registering personal data to receive a personal identity code)

Migri’s fast track service (for residence permit applications)

Book an appointment

Refer to the instructions above to know when you need to book an appointment for DVV. Use the provided links to book the appointment you require on DVV’s website.


The Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) mainly serves customers by appointment at International House Helsinki (IHH).

Opening hours: Monday–Friday 9:00–16:00

For further guidance, please contact DVV’s customer service


A personal identity code consists of 11 characters and is used to identify persons in the registers and information systems of different public authorities as well as private sector actors. For instance, insurance companies and healthcare service providers may need your personal identity code to ensure that information is registered for the correct person. Several people may have the exact same name but there are no two persons with exactly the same personal identity code.

There are no social security numbers in Finland. However, a personal identity code is often wrongly referred to as social security number in everyday language.

A municipality of residence in Finland can be assigned by DVV on certain grounds. If you plan to live in Finland for at least a year, it is advisable to report the move as permanent. Many public services, such as health care and children’s daycare and education are the responsibility of municipalities.

If you have a permanent address and home municipality in Finland, this municipality is responsible for organizing certain services for you just like for all its residents. A municipality of residence is essential also if you’d like to apply for a Finnish ID card or enjoy discounted fees for public transport, or to be granted certain social benefits.


First, if you have to apply for residence permits, and your family doesn’t come very much later, you should consider applying simultaneously for the whole family. Once your family has arrived in Finland, they must personally visit IHH to register. Registration of children is handled more smoothly if both guardians are present. Information about family ties can be registered either on your arrival or when your family has arrived. Please remember to bring your marriage certificate as well as children’s birth certificates, duly translated and legalized.

If you have been granted a residence permit through the Finnish Immigration Service’s (Migri) fast track service, you can also book an appointment with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) to register your personal data by using DVV’s fast track service for specialists and growth entrepreneurs. 

You are eligible for DVV’s Fast Track service if you have been granted a Fast Track residence permit from Migri as:

  • a specialist
  • a start-up entrepreneur
  • an EU Blue Card holder
  • a specialist or manager based in an internal company transfer
  • a top- or middle-level manager
  • or as a family member of any of the above

For more information, please read the following pages:

DVV’s Fast Track service (for registering personal data to receive a personal identity code)

Migri’s Fast Track service (for residence permit applications)